Daily Post
=TRIM(UPPER(IF((LEN(F435)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(F435," ","")))<2, F435, LEFT(F435,FIND(" ",F435, FIND(" ",F435)+1)-1)))) =XLOOKUP( G2,'No price'!Q:Q,'No price'!AK:AK) https://public.tableau.com/profile/peeyush.jain#!/vizhome/Book3_16212599264950/Sheet1 You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose the sight of the shore. Be willing to be a beginner every single morning. Billion Dollar morning routine Wake up --> Immediately get out of bed --> No Phone --> 5 min meditation -->15 min cardio -> Cold shower --> Eat a healthy breakfast --> Set 3 goals for the day -->Grab a coffee and start hustling 3 Advices to follow Don't talk , Act Don't say, Show Don't promise , Prove The biggest lesson i learnt is to not force anything. Conversation, friendship, relationship, attention , love.. Anything forced has never lasted long. If you keep the Past Alive within you. You will be...