Who Will Cry When You Die

 Live a Life : Live a life rather than spending days judging the events and experiences of his life as either good or bad, adopt a neutral stance and simply decided to accept them. 
Remember there are no real failures in life only results, no true tragedies only lessons and there are really no problems only opportunities waiting to be recognized as solutions by the person of wisdom.

 Learn from a Good Movie : A good movie can restore your perspective, reconnect you to the thins  you value most and keep you enthusiasm about all the thing in your life. 
As Ralph Waldo Emerson said : Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.

Master your time :  I have always found it ironic that so many people say they would do anything for a little more time everyday and yet the squander the time they already have. Most of us lives as if we have ab infinite amount of time to do all the things we know we must to do to live a Full and rewarding life.
Commit yourself to managing your time more effectively. Develop a keen sense of awareness about how important your time really is.
Donot let people waste the most precious of commodities and invest it only in those activities that truly count.

Keep your cool : Anyone can become angry, that's easy but to be angry with right person, to the right degree at the right time , for the right purpose and in the right way that is not easy.

With all the pressure and stress in our lives , it is easy to loose our cool at the slightest irritation.

Keeping your cool in a moment of crisis can save your years of pain and anguish.

Hurtful words unleased in a single minute  of anger have led to many a broken friendship.

Words are like arrow, one released , that are impossible to retrieve. So choose yours with cars.

Treat people as if they were what they ought to be an help them because what they are capable of being.

Stop thinking tiny thoughts :being Nuttutr

Rewrite your story :One of the most wonderful things about time is the fact that you cannot waste it in advance.
If you so choose, tomorrow can be the day that you start getting up earlier, reading more, exercise eating well ans worrying less.
at any moment i could start being more f the person i dream to be , but moment should choose.
No one is stopping you from opening your journal and on a blank page, rewriting the stroty of your life.
Its never too late to become the person you have always wanted to be.


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